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The Ovarian Retirement Plan-Strategies for Perimenopause & Menopause

What defines perimenopause and menopause? When women hit their late thirties or early forties, many notice that their hormonal cycles begin to shorten; periods often change and PMS may become more dramatic. The term perimenopause is more of a description rather than a true developmental state. It is a time of hormonal transition as the biological clock is winding down, part of what I call the “Ovarian Retirement Plan.”

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Celebrating Milestones - VENEffect & Hormonal Wellness

The desire to launch our platform came about through our experience as women, mothers and through our professional experience. Rebecca’s experience as an OB/GYN specializing in hormonal vitality dovetailed perfectly with Cecil’s experience in the beauty industry. After experiencing the challenges of hormonal change firsthand, we spent years creating custom formulas tapping into the benefits of plant-based phytoestrogens 

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Self-Care The Venus Effect Way

Self-Care is a big trending topic and an important concept we want to explore with hormonal vitality in mind.   First, Self-Care is not a synonym for pampering nor does it require investment in everything from candles to special pajamas. Self-Care encompasses the actions taken to promote good health and well-being as well as the prevention of illness. There is no better time than now to incorporate principles of self-care for optimized vitality!

Recipes to Boost Vitality

What we eat has a profound effect on our overall hormonal balance, our mood, and the vitality of our appearance. We can mimic the look-good, feel-good effects of estrogen by looking to the plant world and a fabulous source of vitality called phytoestrogens. These vital molecules are found in the seeds, roots and sometimes the bark of plants, and are concentrated in foods we can easily incorporate including beans, nuts and legumes.
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