"Turn back the time on menopause face
It is when our estrogen levels take a nosedive
— usually around the age of 50 — that
women really notice the onset of ageing in the
skin. estrogen stimulates the production of
collagen, the protein that provides the firm
‘scaffolding’ in the skin, and also of hyaluronic
acid, which helps the skin hold on to water.
Take that estrogen away and the skin
becomes thinner, drier and more fragile. It
loses its elasticity and radiance and collapses
more easily into wrinkles. It’s all very normal
but it’s not great news....However, supplementation is not the only way to address the effects of the menopause, as I’ve discovered. Good skincare can be
utterly transformative. Here’s my tried-and tested guide to what will really keep your skin radiant when you feel anything but....MY FAVOURITES INCLUDE: VENeffect Anti-Aging Intensive Moisturizer. THIS range is based on plant estrogens, also known as
phytoestrogens, which mimic the effects of estrogen on the skin to boost its fading glow."