What defines perimenopause and menopause? When women hit their late thirties or early forties, many notice that their hormonal cycles begin to shorten; periods often change and PMS...
The desire to launch our platform came about through our experience as women, mothers and through our professional experience. Rebecca’s experience as an OB/GYN specializing in hormonal vitality...
Self-Care is a big trending topic and an important concept we want to explore with hormonal vitality in mind. First, Self-Care is not a synonym for pampering nor...
What we eat has a profound effect on our overall hormonal balance, our mood, and the vitality of our appearance. We can mimic the look-good, feel-good effects of...
There is no replacement for an overall sense of vitality. Waking up and feeling refreshed, with a natural energy and glow, ready to take on the day. What...
The collagen supplement craze has confused many physicians and dieticians as we tend to think of this amazing material as somewhat indigestible. Collagen is a complex molecule essential to...
How stress affects our health & well-being and ways to minimize its effects. In times of stress, our bodies react with a defense mechanism, stimulating the "fight or...
As VENeffect co-founder Dr. Rebecca Booth celebrates her 60th birthday, she's sharing her "inside scoop" to maximize the beautiful radiance of feminine vitality no matter what milestones you...
We often start the year with new resolutions in mind but lose the energy to sustain them as the year progresses. Try changing your mindset from what you...
We know that serums, moisturizers, balms and other leave-on treatments can help transform the skin, leaving it dewy and young looking. One of the lesser-known secrets for younger...
During colder months, our mood and metabolism can hit a low point, and skin may become dull and dry. Thankfully, the founders of VENeffect share with us how...
What about your lips? They get relegated to treatment with a balm or chapped lip product, sometimes bought hastily at the checkout lane in the hopes of eliminating that...
We are often asked, “Which is the one product I must try?” and the answer is always our luminosity-inspiring Intensive Moisturizer. If you could take just one thing...
We are surrounded by beauty all around us.This week we are exploring your individual beauty - taking the time to celebrate your own beauty that makes you YOU. How...
VENeffect Co-Founder Cecil Booth’s shares her skin care regimen which incorporates a mixture of VENeffect products with other products and tools that will help you get an immediate improvement to...
When women understand that feminine beauty is designed to reflect hormonal wellness, they want to maintain this ideal balance throughout their lives. They want to look youthful and...
Take time this month to not only cherish others, but to also nurture yourself. Love your body by treating it right and your body will reciprocate in the...